Temporary Event Notice (TEN)

A Temporary Event Notice makes provision for small scale, one-off events, or situations where premises licences do not meet the needs of a particular function. The maximum number of people who can attend the function at any one time is 499, including staff and performers. The TEN must be given at least 10 working days before the event, to the authority for the area your premises or location falls within. As a guide please use the Direct Gov link and enter the postcode.

Who may want to give a TEN?

  • A premises license holder who has been asked to run an event at your premises that your premises license does not allow because of the hours involved or the type of activity required.
  • Someone who wants to run an event at an unlicensed premises
  • Someone involved in a charity, school, church or other organisation that wants to sell alcohol or have music and dancing or similar activities at an event?

  • The process for the giving of a TEN can be complex and confusing. At WLS we can provide the right guidance so that the application form is filled in correctly, helping you comply with appropriate regulations and conditions.

    If we can help with your Temporary Event Notice or your other training needs please contact us to discuss your requirements or call us on 01604 519333